A social prescribing and psychosocial service navigation platform

What is social prescribing?

Rather than relying on medications, social prescribing is referring people to a range of psychosocial programs and activities to improve health and wellbeing. 

It’s particularly important for chronic disease, mental health and social isolation.

The good news

There are more than 370,000 community based programs that offer support for

  • mental health

  • drug and alcohol

  • housing

  • employment

  • education

  • parenting

  • domestic violence support

  • social and activity groups

These are the building blocks for high quality personalised healthcare.

The not so good news

Unfortunately most Australians get a “one size fits all” approach for their healthcare.

“Currently, too many people who go to their GP for help with their mental health are being prescribed medication, or referred to a psychological therapist, without being given the opportunity to consider the full range of treatment and support options for their condition.”

— Productivity Commission 2020, Mental Health, Report no. 95, Canberra.

We wanted to understand why so we talked to

General Practitioners:

Service providers:

Our solution


Agora Connect is a social venture that supports personalised care by making it easy for patients and their health providers to discuss a wide range of needs and goals, and then seamlessly connects them to services that support their recovery.

How it works


 1. People enter information at home or in a waiting room that lets us know who they are and what’s important to them


2. People enter the psychosocial issues most important to them and complete selected validated questionnaires


3. All that information is put through an intelligent matching algorithm that matches them to the most personally relevant community groups, mental health and social support programs


4. They receive a shortlist of recommended programs tailored to their needs


5. This can be shared with their health provider. In a collaborative consultation, they choose the most appropriate combination of services


6. Send off referrals with a single click


7. When they make it to their program, their health care team will be able to see where they are on their recovery journey

Where we are now


The Agora Connect prototype is being developed in partnership with the NSW Mental Health Commission and WentWest.

We plan to build and implement it within primary care in Western Sydney.

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